Get more for your school with Scholastic Dollars™

Maximize your Book Fair earnings when you choose Scholastic Dollars.

Why choose Scholastic Dollars?

When you host a Scholastic Book Fair, your school earns a percentage of every in-person and online purchase. By opting to receive your earnings as Scholastic Dollars instead of cash, you double your buying power in the Scholastic Dollars Catalog.* That means you can:


Get even more books, equipment, and supplies for your school.


Access exclusive products and surprise flash sales.


Boost your Scholastic Dollars balance just by completing simple tasks during the Fair.

Plus you’ll keep earning Scholastic Dollars all year long when families connect with your school online and shop in The Scholastic Store.

How to use your earnings

Redeem Scholastic Dollars to create the classrooms and school library you’ve always dreamed of. Browse the digital Scholastic Dollars Catalog, then shop online for:


1000s of popular books, including exclusive titles and library-bound editions


Curriculum-related materials


Furniture and décor for classrooms and libraries


Digital subscriptions and audio libraries


Decorating kits and promotional materials for the Fair

Double your buying power

Your Fair earnings go farther when you choose Scholastic Dollars.

*With Fair total sales of $3,800+ you can elect to receive your earnings as Scholastic Dollars or a combination of cash and Scholastic Dollars.