Share the Fair

The Book Fair’s giving program brings your school community together to support students who need help buying new books.

What is Share the Fair?

Share the Fair is part of every Scholastic Book Fair, with the mission of empowering schools to share the joy of choosing books from the Fair with every student. After helping students take home a new book, consider using any leftover balance to purchase books from the Fair for your school or classroom libraries. Or stock up on books for future giveaways, rewards, or incentives at your school.


How does it work?

Before or during the Fair, collect contributions for Share the Fair from your school community. Contributions are automatically deposited into a Share the Fair account created for your school. As the Book Fair host, you have complete control of this account and how to use it to support your students.


There are four ways for shoppers to contribute to Share the Fair:


Grown-ups can contribute when they add funds to their child’s Book Fair eWallet. Share this informational page with families when you invite them to make eWallet contributions.


Anyone at the Fair can add money to the coin box that you receive in your Kick-off Kit and display at the register. 


When checking out, shoppers can round up their purchases to the nearest dollar or make a separate contribution to Share the Fair. Your Kick-off Kit comes with a sign encouraging shoppers to round up.


After the Fair, unused eWallet funds are transferred to an eGift Card balance, which can be found in the account holder’s My Scholastic account. Account holders can contribute any portion of the eGift Card balance to the school’s Share the Fair account.

Everything you need to know

Watch this video tutorial to learn even more about Share the Fair.


3 Chapters | 4 min. Total 


Raise extra money for Share the Fair by hosting games or contests:


Offer a lollipop pull or a prize wheel, where students can pay a small amount to get a sucker or win a prize


Kick off a classroom fundraising competition, such as a coin challenge, to see which class can raise the most money


Create a fun dare for your principal that they complete if your school raises a certain amount

Use your school’s Scholastic Dollars balance to shop for prizes in the Scholastic Dollars Catalog at least three weeks before the Fair to ensure they arrive in time.


Running the register at the Fair

Adding cash contributions to your school’s account

At the end of each day, count the money from the coin box and add this amount to your register’s daily total: 


1. From the SALES screen, tap SHARE THE FAIR CONTRIBUTIONS in the left column.


2. Tap SHARE THE FAIR in the center column, and use the keypad to enter the total amount of that day’s contributions. Then tap DONE.




4. On the TENDER screen select CASH as the tender type, then tap EXACT in the center column. Finally tap FINISH and the contributions will be added to your school’s account.


5. Keep money from the cash box in your cash drawer.


Processing sales using Share the Fair contributions

When you’re ready to use your contributions to benefit a student’s purchase, checkout is a breeze.


1. From the SALES screen, scan the item(s) the student would like to purchase. 




3. On the TENDER screen, select SHARE THE FAIR as the tender type, tap PAY, then tap USE.


4. If the contribution amount is less than the sale amount, select another tender type and complete the transaction.


Tips for using Share the Fair funds

When distributing funds from your Share the Fair account for student purchases:

Before the Fair, work with your teachers and guidance counselors to identify students with the highest need and provide the opportunity for them to choose a book from the Fair.

As you identify students, be sure to keep in mind whether they have siblings who who might also benefit from Share the Fair.

Ensure the privacy of all students and approach them with empathy, allowing everyone to choose a book at the Fair like their classmates.

Try to distribute funds without drawing attention to the source. Be sure to discreetly ring up their books at the register as Share the Fair purchases.

Another use of Share the Fair funds is helping students who struggled to afford a single book and discover at the register that they don’t have enough money for their purchases.

If these funds remain unused in your account after two years, Scholastic may allocate them to another school to help more students. For more information, see the program’s terms and conditions.

Spread the word

The more contributions you collect, the more kids you can help! So let your school community know about Share the Fair and use these ready-made promotions.


Check out our FAQs for additional details. 

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