Using the Payment Portal

How to process credit card and eWallet payments online during the Book Fair

Getting started

Before your Fair, access the Payment Portal and verify your school’s information and Fair dates. You’ll find a link to the Portal in the same email that brought you to this page and from the Fair details and settings page.


Payments can be processed five (5) days before the Fair start date through ten (10) days after the Fair end date.


If the Payment Portal has been inactive for 30 minutes, the session will time out and close automatically.

Watch and learn

Our explainer video gives you a step-by-step tour of the Payment Portal.

3 Chapters | 5 min. Total

Keep in mind: 

When you add the purchase amount, don’t forget to include sales tax! Use this customizable tax rate sheet to quickly calculate the tax.

If shoppers request a credit card receipt, you can email one at the end of the transaction.

For eWallet payments, transaction emails are automatically sent to the account holder.

If your school received a Payment System to use in conjunction with the Portal, be sure the Register is connected to Wi-Fi to ensure eWallet balances are accurate. If your Register is offline during the Fair, you should only process eWallet transactions using the Payment Portal.

Approximately 10 days after your school’s Fair end date, totals from the Payment Portal will automatically populate in your Financial Form within the Host Hub. All eWallet sales will be included within credit card totals.

Need more help? 

Contact Customer Care at 888-412-9124 if you can't connect to the Payment Portal, need to update your school's information, or would like to process a credit card refund (reminder: eWallet refunds can be processed in the Portal).