Ready to host a Book Fair?

More than a great way to earn funds for your school, a Scholastic Book Fair creates memorable moments of choice that turn kids into lifelong readers.

Books they'll love

Choice and independence

Fun without phones!

Funds to spend your way

A chance to be together

Vibes that last for weeks

A step-by-step plan to succeed

Caring support at the ready

High fives in the hallway

Books they'll love

Choice and independence

Fun without phones!

Funds to spend your way

A chance to be together

Vibes that last for weeks

A step-by-step plan to succeed

Caring support at the ready

High fives in the hallway

Contact Us to Get Started

Fill out the form. We’ll be in touch soon! Then you can tell everybody: It’s happening!

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Please enter a school name.

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Select all that apply
Middle School

Please select all that apply.

100 or less

Please select an option.

Preferred Fair Start Date
Select a start date at least four weeks from today

Please select a valid start date.

Please note that all Book Fairs are subject to availability and a minimum sales threshold.